LSEG Authentication Service Transformation  /  Real-Time – Optimized

Product upgrade - Important
changes to Real-Time – Optimized



Dear Customer,

Refinitiv has been significantly investing in our authentication services to provide you with more resilient, reliable, and secure service to the products and solutions you use.

Security feature improvements made to the Customer Identity and Access Management (CIAM) capability will benefit a broad range of products, including Real-Time – Optimized.

The CIAM upgrade will be phased, running from Q2 2023. Customers will be expected to take action. The Refinitiv Implementation Management team will contact you to guide you through the required steps to ensure a swift and effective upgrade as part of your change management schedule.

This will include helping you create and entitle Version 2 Authentication IDs and plan your upgrade. You do not need to take any action until you have been contacted by this team.


Frequently asked questions

What is changing?

Customers will configure a Service Account (which replaces a Machine ID) and a customer secret (which replaces password). Customers will configure and administer their Service Account(s) through Refinitiv Platform Administration Application. Customer administrators will be granted access to the application where they will perform application creation and certification, Service Account creation, and entitlements. Customers will perform their entitlements identically to their existing Machine ID (using an entitlements report).

What is the impact for the consuming applications?

Please see below for details:

API Application code changes required Release Action for customer on a non – rebranded to Refinitiv version
Real-Time Distribution System (RTDS) Customers need to upgrade their RTDS to a minimum version 3.5.4 however we recommend version 3.6.3. Supporting documentation here. N/A
  • RTSDK - C/C++
  • RTSDK - Java
YES, Customers will need to use the new version of API and re-code the initial authentication, i.e. pass the new set of credentials to PING, receive a token and pass that into the ADS. Changes to Library and Examples are available in the release package. Click here for details YES, for applications written to ETA Java, EMA C++, EMA Java.

NO, for ETA C applications.

* Rebranding details please see PCN: 12072
WebSocket API YES, Customers will re-code the initial authentication, i.e. pass the new set of credentials to PING, receive a token and pass that into the ADS. Customer will no longer need to renew tokens periodically – this logic must be removed. No update to WebSocket Protocol specifications. Examples will be available to help customers modify their code. Click here for details. NO
  • RFA Java
  • RFA C++
NO impact, no code change required from customer. New version of the LPC must be used. New version of the LPC - here - recording. NO, Ping compatible LPC will work with non-rebranded APIs.
  • SFC C++
  • SFC Java
NO impact, no code change required from customer. New version of the LPC must be used. New version of the LPC - here - recording. NO, Ping compatible LPC will work with non-rebranded APIs.
  • UPA C
  • UPA Java
EOL’d 31st July 2021. Migration path is ETA. Please see PCN 12232

There is NO impact to customers who may still be using this. New version of the LPC must be used.
New version of the LPC - here - recording. N.A.
EOL’d in 2013.

There is NO impact to customers who may still be using this. New version of the LPC must be used.
New version of the LPC - here - recording. N.A.

If I upgrade my API to new version will I still be able to use it with an existing machine id?

Yes. The new RT SDK versions are backward compatible with v1 authentication. So you can upgrade your API version while continuing to use your Machine ID, and then upgrade to a v2 authentication service ID afterwards

Will I be able to use the existing machine id and the new service account in parallel?

Customers will perform testing with base data product licenses and not third-party exchange data entitled on their Service Accounts.

Once technical changes implemented and appropriated testing completed, customers will entitle their Service Account with the remaining licenses while we offer a 14-day dual run period during which customers will be able to use both Machine ID and Service Account based connection entitled with full data set on both.

How much time do I have to perform the testing?

After the 14 days dual access your environment is ready, routing and connectivity is tested and entitlements are confirmed, you are ready to plan the cutover from to your new IDs. It is recommended that you perform this in a maintenance window, following your organisations change control process. Once cutover complete, we will look for the customers to confirm upgrade completion and proceed with the cease of Machine ID.

Who will support me in the migrations?

Implementation Management team will contact the customers and guide them through the update.

Additional resources

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We aim to deliver a world-class customer onboarding experience for LSEG solutions by knowing our customers, engaging proactively, and ensuring swift and accurate delivery of our products and services. If you have questions, we are here to help.